Adam - Questions

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Here's a list of the questions I asked in the interview.
Just record yourself answering and we'll edit them together.
1. What is your name? Why do you think that is?
2. What color is your favorite food?
3. If your favorite subject in school was a tree, what kind of tree would it be?
4. How old is the tree?
5. Paper or plastic?
6. How much does your head weigh? How much would that cost if it were goat cheese?
7. When you drink water, does it ever turn into blood before you get it into your mouth? Does that bother you?
8. Chewing ice is bad for your teeth, do you chew ice?
a) If so, will you stop it please? It's so annoying!
9. Are you on drugs?
a) What kind of drugs do you like?
b) Where do you buy drugs?
c) Can I have his number?
10. When do you think the world will end?
11. Does your face hurt?